Varionet News
Visual fatigue affects the work of employees
Visual disturbances at work
8 out of 10 employees say they feel visual discomfort and eye disorders at work . Headaches, dry eyes, neck stiffness, glare and visual fatigue are the various symptoms. Many of them take up to 5 breaks per day to rest the vision. Of the more than alarming figures which endanger the eyesight of employees as well as the economy of companies.
Winter tips for your eyes
Blue light blocking glasses: additional protection against artificial light
Good to know: the "traditional" artificial tungsten light mainly emitted red radiation.
Can returning to work cause eyestrain?
Work, re-entry and eyestrain
The month of September is here, synonymous with back to school and this is a sign that the holidays are beautiful and well over! Summer is coming to an end and autumn is on its way. We have to adapt to the days that are getting shorter and it is common for eyestrain to appear. No more idleness, little naps, the daily routine is back with the long hours spent in front of digital devices and paperwork.
Daily visual relaxation
OMEGA 3 and eyesight
The eye by its complexity is a marvel of nature . It captures light, analyzes it and interacts with its environment. It is necessary to preserve it and keep it healthy for as long as possible. Because sight is life , through this article we will explain to you how OMEGA 3 play an essential role in preserving our vision. Indeed, food hygiene and the right balance between OMEGA 3 and OMEGA 6 make it possible to protect and maintain vision over the long term.