Sight is one of the 5 senses that govern human life, which is why it is important to take care of our eyes and learn to recognize the various vision problems and their induced symptoms. Here are some tips to help you spot these different signs.
Sight changes throughout life and visual disturbances can appear at any age. Consequently, control and monitoring of visual acuity and ocular adnexa are necessary.
- If your distance vision is blurry or you tend to squint to look away and reach for your paper to read or write, you may be nearsighted . This visual defect is often diagnosed during childhood or adolescence.
- If you suffer from headaches and have difficulty reading for a long time, you suffer from visual fatigue, but you can see without difficulty in the distance, you are probably farsighted or astigmatic .
These 3 ametropias (visual defects) can be detected regardless of your age.
- Around the age of 40-45, presbyopia appears linked to the natural aging of the eye, you have difficulty reading your newspaper, all near vision activities become difficult, your arms become too short!
In general, as soon as you feel tension, heaviness or discomfort in your eyes, you may have a visual problem. Other symptoms may appear as burning sensations, itching or irritation of the white of the eye or eyelids.
These genes can be occasional but if they last and become troublesome in your daily life, consult an eye care professional , ophthalmologist, optometrist, optician. He will prescribe you glasses or contact lenses to correct ametropia, rehabilitation sessions (orthoptics) to correct a lack of convergence.